Things to Consider When Matching Your Roof and Siding

Many homeowners tend to have their siding and roofing installation done separately, often because one is still in relatively good condition compared to the other, or because the combined cost can be high. Matching one with the other can take some work. Creative Construction Group lists some of things you should consider when matching your roof and siding.

Permanent Components

Before you start researching color combinations, start with the permanent components – or at least the ones that you don’t need to replace immediately. If your roof is in good condition, then it should be at the top of the list. Likewise, consider permanent exterior like brick or stone when replacing your roof, especially if a roof redesign is part of the project.

The landscaping is another component that should be taken into consideration. If your home is surrounded by lush greenery, the last thing you’d want is to paint your home in the same shade of green. Instead, you’ll want contrast. If you’re considering shades of orange or red, consider how your home will look in the fall.

Architectural Style

Certain architectural styles look best in traditional colors. For example, homes that are based on Colonial or neoclassical styles often feature all-white exterior. Spanish and Mediterranean styles typically feature terracotta roofs, black window frames and off-white to mustard yellow siding. These and certain styles can simply look wrong with different color palettes. A capable residential roofing company like us can also help you choose the right roofing or siding color.

Use Basic Design Rules

Certain rules apply when matching your roof and siding. One of the most obvious ones is avoiding matching the siding and roofing colors: you want a pleasing contrast that separates the siding and the roof, instead of becoming one big blob of the same color. The light-vs-dark visual effect also applies: light colors can make your home bigger, but dark colors have the opposite effect. Once you have put these elements into consideration, you should be able to narrow down your roofing and/or siding color choices.

Looking for residential roofing contractors? Call Creative Construction Group today at (815) 339-0550. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule a free quote. We serve Crystal Lake, IL and nearby areas in Illinois.