A roof’s slope is one of the most important considerations of choosing a new roof. While steep roofs may cost more than their gently-sloped counterparts, they have certain advantages that you should put into consideration. Licensed roofing contractor Creative Construction Group lists the advantages of having a steep roof.
Relatively Low Maintenance — All roofs require maintenance, of course, but steep roofs doesn’t require as much as other types of roofing. Leaves and debris fall straight to the edge instead of in the middle of the roofing plane. There’s also less chances of standing water forming in the middle. This helps make roof cleaning easier, as you will only need to focus on the roof edges and the gutters.
Boost In Curb Appeal — Steep roofs are great for showing off your beautiful roof, which makes it ideal for Colonial, Cape Cod, or similar home styles, where the roofing plane is facing the curb. Thick and textured roofing materials like laminate shingles look best on steep roofs, especially during the day when sunlight emphasizes raised details. To make sure your roof stays beautiful, hire a contractor whose roof installation services includes a thorough maintenance process.
More Roofing Options — Certain roofing materials are not compatible with low-slope roofs, but this is not a problem with steep roofs. In fact, it’s compatible with a wider selection of roofing materials, including most types of asphalt shingles, slate and tile.
Better Attic Ventilation — A properly-ventilated attic is less likely to develop problems caused by trapped heat and moisture in the attic, such as ice dams, damaged insulation and structural issues caused by excessive moisture. Heat tends to rise, therefore a steep roof with ridge vents funnel hot and moist air more efficiently. Cool and fresh air is then supplied through the soffits. Even if you use your attic for storage, there will be more than enough space to ensure efficient air circulation.
Creative Construction Group is your leading provider of roofing services, including assistance with insurance roof claims. Give us a call at